Come and celebrate Imbolc with the Wood Sisters

We are really looking forward to our next Wood Sisters gathering for Imbolc on Saturday 5th February. As the days start to lengthen again and we look for the first signs of Spring, Sue will be drawing us into the mysteries of rebirth through the story of Isis and Osiris, while Sam will be guiding us into a deep meditative encounter with the celtic goddess Brigid. Woven into myth and meditation will be sacred time outside in nature, creative time to make your own ‘Bridie’ doll and a closing candle blessing ritual to include all our own contributions of story, songs and poems… plus, of course, the ever delicious bring and share feast!
We currently have a very full house with 20 wonderful women already booked, but do get in touch if you want to join us as there may be last minute cancellations. Dates are now out for future days, with the next being a Spring Equinox celebration at the full moon on Saturday 26th March. 
The Living Spirit website has now had its new year update with further details, including contacts, for Wood Sisters, The Celtic Circle and Devon Kabbalah Group. Steam is rising from the Vicarage office as we work on an all new site, including a dedicated Wood Sisters page. (We hope you like the new logo above that Graphic Alchemy have created for us). We also hope to soon be launching a new blog page to include reflections, contributions and pictures from the many creative and soul full women who are the Wood Sisters. Watch this space!
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